Don’t miss out on this exclusive workshop... only 25 seats available!

You don't want to miss this........

Stop Working In Your Business And Start Working On Your Business

Stop Working In Your Business And Start Working On Your Business

This Comprehensive Workshop will have you leaving with a 5-year Vision, Growth model, and detailed Roadmap. Learn the proven recruiting strategies, culture building techniques, and Organizational design that will turn you into a rockstar visionary.

This Comprehensive Workshop will have you leaving with a 5-year Vision, Growth model, and detailed Roadmap. Learn the proven recruiting strategies, culture building techniques, and Organizational design that will turn you into a rockstar visionary.

IMPORTANT - Watch This Video First! (Turn On Sound)

IMPORTANT - Watch This Video First! (Turn On Sound)


This One Practice took Solgen Power from a garage startup to $233M a year in under 5 years

This One Practice took Solgen Power from a garage startup to $233M a year in under 5 years

Meet The Team!

Chris Lee

Chris is a nationally recognized and well-respected entrepreneur with a proven track record – recipient of numerous entrepreneurial and business awards

Chris is extremely passionate about his team, giving back to his community, and influencing others for the better.

Prior solar experience at LGCY Power, where he was VP of Human Capital

Daryl Kelly

Visionary leader with 18+ years; excels in market expansion and talent mentoring.

Growth-driven entrepreneur; established scalable business models and fostered innovative solutions.

Daryl is described by his staff as outgoing, grounded, and empowering. Truly, a great leader in the solar industry.

Levi Ringo

Levi was originally from St. Louis, Missouri where he began his early days of being an entrepreneur while also building a knack for grit and hustle.

Levi was one of the very first hires at Solgen Power, wearing many different hats until he found his home in marketing, helping build the department and scaling the growth of sales through innovation.

Hayden Crane

Hayden is an Operations ninja with experience growing teams to fulfill $250M+ in Revenue.

Hayden has the ability to analyze a problem and formulate a lasting process that can fix that problem.

With his extensive Sales background he has the ability to see things from a sales and fulfillment side.

Matt Preece

Matt was born in raised in Utah. While attending Utah State University, an itch for entrepreneurship was brewed. Involving himself in several entrepreneurial adventures, he found himself having quite the success.

With Matt’s ability to persist until a problem is solved and his creativity to present new solutions, he found himself with a new place to satisfy his entrepreneurial craving.

Chris Lee

Chris is a nationally recognized and well-respected entrepreneur with a proven track record – recipient of numerous entrepreneurial and business awards.

Chris is extremely passionate about his team, giving back to his community, and influencing others for the better.

Chris established Solgen out of his garage and turned it into the 6th Fastest Growing Company in the Nation according to Financial Times

Daryl Kelly

Visionary leader with 18+ years; excels in market expansion and talent mentoring.

Growth-driven entrepreneur; established scalable business models and fostered innovative solutions.

Daryl is described by his staff as outgoing, grounded, and empowering. Truly, a great leader in the solar industry.

Levi Ringo

Levi was originally from St. Louis, Missouri where he began his early days of being an entrepreneur while also building a knack for grit and hustle.

Levi was one of the very first hires at Solgen Power, wearing many different hats until he found his home in marketing, helping build the department and scaling the growth of sales through innovation.

Hayden Crane

Hayden is an Operations ninja with experience growing teams to fulfill $250M+ in Revenue.

Hayden has the ability to analyze a problem and formulate a lasting process that can fix that problem.

With his extensive Sales background he has the ability to see things from a sales and fulfillment side.

Matt Preece

Matt was born in raised in Utah. While attending Utah State University, an itch for entrepreneurship was brewed. Involving himself in several entrepreneurial adventures, he found himself having quite the success.

With Matt’s ability to persist until a problem is solved and his creativity to present new solutions, he found himself with a new place to satisfy his entrepreneurial craving.

Unlock The Full Potential Of Your Business With The Right Plan

  • Expert Guidance from Proven Leaders

    • Gain insights from Chris Lee and his partners who have built and consulted for several 9-Figure companies.

  • Gain Clarity & Direction

    • Overcome the challenges of lack of clarity with a clear, actionable 5 Year Growth Model tailored specifically to your business needs.

  • Intimate, Focused Workshop

    • Limited to only 25 seats, ensuring personalized attention and 1-on-1 interaction with the Next Level Home Pros Team.

  • Actionable Steps, Not Just Theory

    • Leave the workshop with a detailed growth mode, organization chart, clear goals, defined responsibilities, and a vision to attract top tier talent.

  • Create Vision To Attract Top Talent

    • Learn how to create a compelling vision that makes it easier to recruit and retain top talent.

  • Satisfaction Guaranteed

    • Money-back Guarantee if you're not satisfied with the outcome, ensuring a risk-free investment.

Secure Your In Person Seat at Next Level Home Pros HQ in Pasco, Washington For Only $1997!

Limited seats available!

Can't Make It In Person? No Worries! Buy A Virtual Seat And Join Live For Only $997!

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Secure Your SeatWe have limited seats available!

Interested in bringing a business partner or key executive?

Interested in bringing a business partner or key executive?

Add another seat for just $997!

Add another seat for just $997!

Bringing a business partner or key executive to our event can be a game-changer.

Here’s why:

  • Shared Vision and Goals:

    When you attend with a key member of your team, you both gain a deeper understanding of the strategies and vision shared during the event. This alignment ensures that everyone is on the same page and ready to implement new ideas effectively.

  • Enhanced Collaboration:

    By experiencing the event together, you and your partner or executive can collaborate more efficiently. You’ll be able to discuss insights, brainstorm ideas, and develop action plans in real-time, leading to faster and more cohesive decision-making.

  • Broadened Perspectives:

    Two heads are better than one! Your partner or key executive might catch details or come up with questions that you might overlook. This diverse perspective can enrich your overall experience and uncover opportunities you hadn’t considered.

  • Immediate Application:

    With both of you attending, you can immediately start applying what you learn. Whether it’s refining your business model, improving operational efficiency, or scaling your business, having an additional seat means you can hit the ground running as soon as the event concludes.

  • Strengthened Relationships:

    Sharing this exclusive experience can strengthen the bond between you and your business partner or key executive. It demonstrates your commitment to their professional development and fosters a sense of shared purpose and motivation.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to maximize your event experience.

Secure an additional seat for just $997 and ensure your business partner or key executive is right there with you, ready to transform your business!


Want an even more intimate and exclusive experience with the NHLP team?

Join us for a VIP dinner for just $997!


Want to be at the Workshop but just can't physically make it?

Join us Virtually for just $997!

Get the benefits of being at the Workshop without the Travel!

Want an even more intimate and exclusive experience with the NHLP team?

Join us for a VIP dinner for just $997!